Enchantment Shop

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Leowaste, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. Any interet in Sharpness 4, Looting 3, Fire Aspect 2 diamond sword?
  2. Me
  3. Leo, I think there's something wrong with the sell signs for knockbackII Sword and the sharpnessIV Sword. Whenever i try to sell those it says i dont have enough items
  4. It is all of them i tried selling stuff
  5. Haha, gabe I'm asking 9k for it.
  6. Lets let Leo sell/buy enchantments in this thread.
    And @Leo. I cannot find a chest for a "Sharpness III, Knockback II" diamond sword. Am I missing it? Or are you not buying them?

    EDIT: Also, if i sell often, will i be banned from your res?
  7. Leo where is your enchants shop?
  8. You can't sign sell trip enchant items.