Emc train over world network

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Nuttyknight42, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. Would any one be onboard with a mega minecart transport. My vision would make a working train system? That connects everything togather. It will be in the frontier.

    Let me know in forums or pm me.
  2. That depends, is this to be achieved in the Wastelands or the Frontier?
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. This mega train network would be in the frontier lands.
  4. That sounds interesting. Are you planning on building it underground or is it going to be on a trestle above ground?
    Nuttyknight42 likes this.
  5. I'd love to see something like this, even if it would probably cost millions of rupees and thousands of hours of game time. I'd be willing to help as well!
    Nuttyknight42 likes this.
  6. Thank carbonyx would love the help, as far as the design don't know yet joy_the_miner