EMC the Music Snobs - (Otus the Music Snob Suggests!) Series Thread

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Otus_NigRum, May 29, 2018.

  1. Hey EMC! If you have been lingering around the forums for a while, you have probably taken a look at my Otus the Music Snob thread, or even suggest songs in it! There, I take suggestions that the community gives me, and I review them. Since my character or "other persona" is a Music Snob (basically me, but I say it's a persona so no one thinks i'm like that in real life lol) I review a lot of the material in a "snobby" way, or basically a way that may totally wreck their song. Don't worry though, all criticism is never directed toward the person suggesting the song, and is always directed to the song.

    Please do not take any offense to what I say, most of the time it is exaggerated, and remember, this is just for fun!

    So, after 5 thread pages, (so far) I have gotten pretty bored of it (although it's not done!) so I have decided to make a thread where YOU, as the community thoughtfully review songs that I suggest. With every song suggestion you also have to give a total grade.
    When you give a "++" that means it is one of your favourite songs and you already listen to it regularly. "+" means would actively seek out again, "=" means wouldn't seek it out but wouldn't turn it off if it plays again, "-" means would actively avoid it, and "--" means it's absolutely garbage and you would actively protest and negatively meme the song as much as you could.

    Please follow the "total grade" system, as it's very helpful for me :p
    I accept negative and somewhat harsh reviews, but since a lot of the songs I will share are basically in my blood, I will also actively defend it.
    Anyway, I will suggest a song for you guys to review quite regularly, so please keep reviewing!

    I will also suggest bands, genres, musical topics, and etc.

    Otus the Music Snob can be found here: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/otus-the-music-snob-series-thread.76963/
    Please suggest! Thank you! <3
    khixan likes this.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5abamRO41fE

    This song has one of the best intro lyrics that I have ever heard. The over all song is very heavy and total metal! Even though the vocalist has growly vocals throughout the song, he actually shifts to a really melodic style throughout the song, which really shows more of his talent! The instruments on the song are so aggressive and bring so much power, I love it! Especially that guitar solo, phew, it's pretty good.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpLv4M4paSI

    Amazing drum work throughout the whole song, combined with the guitar riff it becomes one of the most recognizable/best intros of all rock music. Paul Rodgers vocals are outstanding, he really represents Rock as well as Robert Plant did. Outstanding!
  4. Ah, I thought you were getting bored of it, as it's been days since you last did one of mine. ;)
    "If you have been lingering around the forums for a while" The thread's only existed for 10 days. :p
    khixan and Otus_NigRum like this.
  5. Soory, i forgot
  6. khixan likes this.
  7. Slipknot Psychosocial- I like a couple of their songs, but this isn't one of them. There is a fine line between having a "sound", and having all your songs sound the same. They wander over to the wrong side of that line, and for me this song exemplifies that. It needed less, not more. Don't put everything and the kitchen sink into the blender all the time. There are few bands who can actually pull off that stunt. I think these are some of Corey's weaker lyrics also. He has better turns of phrase than what he put on this one.

    Free All Right Now - I keep waiting for this to turn up in Guardians of the Galaxy (maybe it already did even lol). A really fun classic, and I love that you linked a great live recording of it :)
    Otus_NigRum and 607 like this.
  8. Interesting, a lot of people have been telling my psychological is a bad song on SlipKnot's part, but I enjoy it. You forgot the "Total Grades" though :p

  9. Best song by one of the best Thrash metal bands! Although I do think MegaDeth is better...