EMC News Video's

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MissKells, Nov 20, 2013.


Would you watch this or be interested in it?

Yes 19 vote(s) 86.4%
Umm.. Maybe? 3 vote(s) 13.6%
NO 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. lol BITE!!!! GRRR you little pain xP and yes i will try to be funny and have real news for everyone :D Make EMC more interesting then other servers and what not !
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  2. I like This idea a lot :D + 1 million
  3. Hmm, it will be interesting to see ware this turns out.
    Kells18 likes this.
  4. +melk approved
    Kells18 and jknrlz like this.