EMC mod pack?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Otus_NigRum, May 23, 2018.

  1. I was wondering if EMC was ever going to consider making a modded server, or even their own mod pack. I think it would be really fun, to not only be apart of the vanilla experience, but delve into the realm of mods! It would probably be really beneficial for our community as well as I would suspect it would strengthen friendship bonds and possible create new friends, considering it would probably be less populated than the normal vanilla server.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. I second this. I also second having a vanilla-friendly modpack, of the best map, inventory helper, lighting helper, etc. Something for using on vanilla
  3. I rolled a somewhat general modpack some time ago, but I also lost track of the project a bit and right now it's a bit in need for updating, see this (download) link.

    Anyway, EMC already is a modded server, but you should not forget that the emphasis fully lies on vanilla. So most of the extra enhancements are set up so that it enhances the vanilla gameplay without too much "intrusion". Take for example the working compass, or the /trade command, or /vault, /dlog, /invite and /gtp for that matter.

    Quite frankly I definitely wouldn't be in too much support of an even more heavily modded server. I mean, the main thing which makes EMC unique in comparison to most others is the fact that it's not your average server which has a few dozens individual mods slapped onto it.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. I can possibly make one that I use and is very utility based
  5. There is a few problems with modded. First, you have to regulate all those mods somehow, and it isn't exactly easy with plugins when you have so much to do. Second, it requires a lot of resources to run, from ram, to cpu usage, and disk space even.

    You also have to split staff more, which isn't exactly a huge problem as far as a know.

    Finally, a lot of people can't run it because of the pure computing power it requires to run. Many people don't have the computers needed to run it, and thus you won't get as many people. There was an unofficial modded community going around here a while ago though. I doubt it's still alive however.
    SliceOfRhyBread likes this.
  6. Well then, I suggest someone in this community start an unofficial EMC modded server, and I don't mean something useful for just vanilla, heavily modded is what i'm suggesting, FTB style.

    Anyone down for it? Probably not, :(.
  7. Well. I left a modded community to come back to EMC to relax, modding is almost a part-time job trying to get them to work together. That mod pack I sent you? Had a group where we were experimenting with server compatibility. I left because again, I was the one trying to make things work
  8. While it is a good idea, the Empire is about vanilla survival. I mean, not many surveys have an amazing structure like the one here, and it is what make EMC so special. Overall, it is an excellent idea, but unfortunately does not suit the Empire's vanilla roots.
  9. Yeah, it's unfortunate, it would be great if someone created an unofficial heavy modded server though
  10. There was once, dont have time to find link... but it has been done before. Not sure if it is still running
  11. I think this suggestion got shut down officially a while back, but we could still make an unofficial one
  12. Yeah! Unofficial player run!