Lol... I was about to say "Err how would you have known about WorldGenerationControl" We used that to do the pregen of the maps for 1.2 reset. Doesn't really need to be loaded anymore haha.
Thanks for all of the info guys. So block-x indeed seems to be fixed. Awesome. Unfortunately, this is not 100% fixed, just seems to come and go (IE pistons the turned to block-x may revert back to pistons). Hoping to get the all clear on lost items soon.
my block x sticky pistons have all reverted, and are safe in my inventory, ... as well as all of the gold blocks attached to those block x stickies. I also was on a different bukkit-powered 1.3.x server, and had ZERO problems with 'block x'
I've made a detailed list of a lot of the issues people are experiencing and forwarded it to Justin. As stated above, it's a bit hard at the moment for Justin to have a TON of time while he's dealing with crappy internet, but he is taking some time tonight to look into them and seeing if we can't find something useful.