EMC FreeRice Group

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by triphora, Apr 3, 2018.

  1. World hunger is an issue that affects 1 in 3 people across the globe.
    We need to help fight it.
    This is why sites like FreeRice exist. On FreeRice you can answer basic questions to donate 10 grains of rice per question you answer to the World Food Programme. I have created a group for EMC. To join the group, first you must create an account. Then go to the homepage. You'll see this near the top of the page:

    Click the arrows to the right of "Groups".
    Click "Find Groups".
    In the search bar, type "EMC".
    Click "Play" on the one that looks like this:

    Done! Now you can answer questions to donate rice grains to the WFP!
    I have also created rupee rewards for the amount of rice grains you donate. 10 grains of rice will get you one rupee, up to 2 thousand rupees per month and 20 thousand rupees per year. Many of the questions are easy to answer, so you'll have no trouble getting a thousand rupees. You will only get rupees if you are in the group.

    Thanks to the extremely talented MoreMoople for the photo above :D
  2. This is cool Syd
    SansTheTimeLord and Sydney_43 like this.
  3. Oh my god! I forgot about this site! xD I remember using it in school a few times.
  4. Interesting
    Sydney4363 likes this.
  5. I remember when this site was released and i had like 90 pounds worth from the questions :p
    SansTheTimeLord and Sydney_43 like this.
  6. Man, throwback to fourth grade, the entire class did this for like a week and made a huge competition out of who got the most rice xD
    607 and SansTheTimeLord like this.
  7. No RiceGum Jokes?
  8. What's RiceGum?
  9. Very interesting! Dang 1 in every 3 people? That’s about the same rate of people who develop cancer in the world, this definitely needs to stop.
    Sydney_43 likes this.
  10. I believe rice should be free

  11. It costs money to make it plus the land...
    Sydney_43 likes this.
  12. Yeah, my wording is amazing, isn't it?

    I meant that rice should be free from their cages because they don't deserve that torture.
    Sydney_43 likes this.
  13. Hm, interesting. They haven't given any updates since July 31, though (which was a 'We're still alive' post).
    Sydney_43 likes this.
  14. I joined up to help stop world hunger you can do you part too!!
    Sydney_43 likes this.