EMC First Survival Games

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by ShadowKman, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. The server is 99.99% configured for your survival games! :) just post here the *official* time and date of the thing. Also, we can do like 10-20 rounds or more (just for fun) after we finish the round for this :D
  2. I know this is a stupid question but.

    Will there be like, a PM with the Ip to only the contestionts? or will there be some big forum post and stuff to anounce this with the IP and stuff?
  3. I go by the philosophy "there are no stupid questions... except those asked by your little sibling.
    I think we will make a new thread (maybe talk to ICC and get it stickied for front page) and the IP will be on there.
  4. But....
  5. this will be good smp1 :D
  6. Are you signing up to play for SMP1? If you are, all slots are filled.
  7. All slots are filled, we'll put you on back-up.
  8. the server's up. u can go finish the arena. also do we have an official date?
  9. Alright every1 can log on & play SG if they want now :). If you dont know the ip PM me.

    P.S. The competition is not today. not right now ( the arena for that is disabled)
  10. After you fixed the Password-thing, maybe? :p
  11. haha ya. Im trying to find the righ tplugin to make it where players have to set their own password... and have to login each time they log onto the server...
  12. I can't log in
  13. I saw that. try again
  14. Alright: Server's up, Passwords, no whitelist anymore, and every1 can get on if they want! :) PM me for the IP
  15. grrrr i forgot to change the config :confused: try now
  16. OK guys we either have to do the survival games on the 12th (friday) or some time after the 27th, because i will be gone for a while... So! we need to make sure we can all do it on the 12th (friday) and post here is there's a conflict or if its ok.
    Kman122000 likes this.
  17. As far as I know, it's ok for me at the 12th.