Eclipsys Master Building Services!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Eclipsys, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Yes your building service is back LIKE for Eclipsys awesomeness
    sneeker134, migueldemesa and Eclipsys like this.
    Eclipsys likes this.
  3. I got a fan here XD!
  4. I made a shop at smp3 7397 Cant decide how to finish it
    Can u make a Big shop? and a replica? coz i want to see it then i can decide if i want it or not
  5. you want me to build a shop and a replica? on 2 plots? or on SP or wut? could you please specify XD
  6. Can u make a shop in creative singleplayer? take photos then if i Do like it ill pay and u build on EMC =]
  7. Lol thats two times the amount of work for him :p
    migueldemesa likes this.
  8. :cool:...............:rolleyes:
  9. If u can tell me how it would look That would be also Nice :)
    Please note that I'm currently working on 2 projects for customers! If you wish to hire me you'll be placed on the waiting list!
    mba2012 and Faithcaster like this.
  11. I would hire you, but I dont got 70k, and I aint gonna pay for materials, lol. Ill save up. Then you could build me my resort I wanted! Or you could build a resort on my res for free but you own it. XD
  12. If you didnt know, I was JKing about that last part.
  13. Hey sneeker, please just save up and hire me then. I'll be on vacation from the 15th of July (next week) till the 5th of august. After that I'll pick up my building services again
  14. Ah, I remember those good old days when your deal was 12k for a 30x30 design. I remember how I was going to have you build me a awesome shop, but I couldnt even fathom the 12k building cost, lol the good old days of when smp4 had just come out.

    But not to fear! I am only 20k (I will have it by tomorrow) from you building me this:
  15. Erm, I didn't start my building services up until SMP 7. And I've always charged 50k per whole plot + additional material costs XD
  16. Just visited this res and damn...... incredible, well worth the visit. And the price tag :)
  17. <- well worth the watch :)
  18. False!
    Maybe I could get a discount for this?
  19. That was before I started my official building services. Those were the tasks I got from people who were told by their friends that I was building stuff for money :D

    Hmm, oh well, my prices changed as people were pretty happy with what I built for them and they said I could definatly charge more.