
Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _Ziip, Aug 12, 2012.


are you on dragoncave?

yes 19 vote(s) 59.4%
no 10 vote(s) 31.3%
im gonna 1 vote(s) 3.1%
i was 0 vote(s) 0.0%
im gonna click all yer eggs, cus this response has nothin to do with the question 2 vote(s) 6.3%
  1. I don't mind. :)
    BTW your eggs have been clicked.
  3. What if i did? O_O
  4. Then good for you.
  5. whats a scrol?
  6. the page where all your dragons are.
  7. what is that in you're sig?
  8. teh lag monster!
  9. ?
  10. A list of all your dragons.
  11. AAH! Oidgod has sooooooooo... (ooooooooooo) many dragons!!!
  12. He copied and pasted it from the wiki, lol.
  13. how do i make a scrol?
  14. You get one when you get an acount. Is your in game nabe cube45?
  15. OMG, my eggs are cracked! What i have to do peeps! Tell me!
  16. be happy thay are haching
    oidgod likes this.
  17. 0oux kxuk'j kxo zijk ev ak.
  18. what?
  19. Click please :)