Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. :O I need one of those
  2. Off topic:
    Chascarrillo and moyaboya like this.
  3. lol
    I finished that collection and moved on to wyverns and drakes xD
  4. The vamp has a few hours left before it grows up. If you don't offer by then, the offer might be off.Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!
  5. My, that Royal Blue's hatching fast.
  6. Nope.
  7. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I missed a CB Ice. :( :mad:
  8. I just got myself a Two-finned Bluna. Purebred!
  9. i offered...
  10. Missed two rares, Golden Wyvern and Paper. I guess I'm still pretty lucky, though.
  11. I missed cheese twice in one day
  12. It still doesn't show up... please try again.
  13. Had to:
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  14. Nice, missed another CB Ice.
  15. Man, those Ices don't seem to like you.
  16. No they do not.
  17. Graah, missed a Golden Wyvern.
  18. Obviously my dragon is way better than mine.
  19. Woo, Jxadadw Knacawxk hatched, and I got a red Striped.