Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. what specifically are you lookin for?
  2. Patience!
    SpaceShuttleFan likes this.
  3. Woo, got Midnight Club L.A. Complete Edition, one of those Nooks with a backlight, a book, and a case for the Nook.

    There are also some presents coming in the mail.
    Nole972 and moyaboya like this.
  4. One more like to Well-Known Member. I'll do an AMA in celebration! :p
  5. AMA is up...
    Nole972 likes this.
  6. Then You are a well known member courtisy of me. :)
  7. I suppose so.
    Nole972 likes this.
  8. still says active...
  9. Wow my eggs all hatched :D
  10. I clicked all of your eggs, but you don't need clicks, just views xD
  11. hmm hows my eggs doing
  12. Can anyone breed me a nebula or tsunami wyvern please? Ill trade an electric (even though you probably dont need it)
  13. I don't know why...
  14. I just got a new one :)
  15. Here's what I do; Take your adults out of your sig unless it's your favorite. This saves space for eggs.
  16. If I get a Neglected, I'll trade it... For a Shadow Walker and a Magma if I don't have one at the time.
  17. oid, do you want an ember and a horse egg, xandster wanted me to give em to u
  18. then i keep the ember! i feel kinda guilty, because i gave it away and now im keeping it.... undefined
  19. Crackalac is an adult, and Bite O' Night hatched.