Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Yaarg! When will my eggs hatch??
  2. Sadly no, ( :( ) but that would be AWESOME!:D:p:)
  3. Is there a certain number of unique/views or clicks you need to have your eggs hatch, o ris it just time? My eggs are coming up on 400 views, and not one of htem has even cracked. Is there some way I can speed up the process?
  4. Mixture of both.
  5. The Lumina? No.

    And once again, stop begging, people!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. on behalf of the community, sorry :D
  7. Ray of Sunlight looks pretty boss.
  8. REDs dragon.
  9. Needs clicks!
  10. check my scroll.http://dragcave.net/user/Oidia ;)
  11. this is so funny i know what ones youre getting that are rares. but i perfer not to tell, trolololol.
  12. Sneeker, your pillow dragon. 1000 views.PNG 1000 views!
    Seberling likes this.
  13. What about it? :/
  14. Oh. SOMEONE keeps removing my dragons from my hatching site.

  15. look at his views!
  16. This lil' guy of mine has the most views.
    This one the least.
    And this one is in the middle.
  17. A nedtoh av 0ei wi0j nacc oloh idtohjkudt kxaj cudwiuwo. ak neict ro hukxoh vidd0 av 0ei tat, udt valo xidthot jap laonj aj ureik weet odeiwx ke xuksx. Cec, tadejuih cudwiuwo (bdend r0 TS semmidak0 uj kxinot jemokamoj) av 0ei bden kxaj acc ro jxesbot. :)
    hojfedt ad juihaud av 0ei bden kxaj!