Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Thanks, i clicked urs.
  2. You click my eggs and you notify me, and I'll click yours! :D
  3. Clicked all
  4. And I clicked yours!
    Terr likes this.

  5. Please click mine! :)
  6. I clicked urs. Now u click mine!
  7. So angry at myself for being egglocked. I saw a CB (Cave Grown?) leetle tree earlier!!!!
  8. This guy's my most popular egg. ;)
  9. Sorry about that Whiptail. I have an adult Female.
  10. I think what happened was it was attempted to be a neglected, but it was abandoned with like 3 minutes left or something. Then it died. :(
  11. clicked yours qwerty! I'm so excited for my magi!!
    EDIT: whats this "neglected dragon" i keep hearing about?
    DOUBLE EDIT: wow qwert, your new to the game, no hatchlings yet. check my scroll, you like my dragons?
  12. :D
  13. An extremely rare egg that is only obtanible if during the first 6 days they get a very low amount of attention, but due to a spike of unique/views and clicks, they hatch.
  14. I clicked yours, Please click mine! :D
  15. lol i want the new eggs or a neglected
  16. I'm somewhat of a noob to this whole deal.
    Once your dragons have grown, can you like, send them to breathe fire on people?
    oidgod likes this.
  17. Lumina
    s are just harder to hatch. They need moar views
  18. No, they don't breath fire one people. They look boss, and some have abbilties. Oh, and I forgot they can breed.