Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I decided to take in the Christmas cheer on dragcave and get some Christmas eggs, View them :D
  2. How do you have 5 eggs?
  3. Once you hit 50 dragons you can get a 5th egg. What's the other holiday? He new one?
  4. TROLOLOLO I don't think so

    just got one

  5. The new breed will be available on the 25th
  6. Uh has this thread somehow out posted the LLO?!?
  7. Nope. Not even close. I REALLY wanted a holly dragon.
  8. Hey Orlandont, where did you find the leetle tree? Was it in the forest or giveaway pile?
  9. Was in the hourly drop at forest
  10. I just missed one, apparently.
  11. Niiiiice... I've been trying for one of those elusive buggers. I saw a lot earlier, but all traces have disappeared now.
  12. Wait until the 25th evening, that's when the holly dragon from the 19th will be adults, and eventually their owners will breed them and there will be some new holly drags on the AP, that's your chance ;D
  13. Unfortunately mine is from the 20th so I won't be able to breed him this christmas :'(
  14. Ooh, good idea. Thanks.
  15. If there is a slight chance it does grow up, can you breed one for me? I'll pay rupees for it. If you want?
  16. All the commons are back right now, and I missed a drop of three Hollies. THREE. :(
  17. Noi! That means I missed it too!
  18. Will my candy egg hatch in an hour?
  19. All hope is not lost... the holidays are back. That was weird.
  20. I want to abandon/trade a Christmas egg for something more rare, but what egg should I give up? I have a magi.