Donations needed for Obsidian castle project!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by twinchicken86, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. I'm estimating 1 real day before it is underway.
  2. I got some obisdian if you want to clear it off my lot :D
    Free for you if you come and take it.
  3. Alright, thanks. I'll get it as soon as I can get on - are you on SMP6?
  4. Was at work. and
    I am on SMP3. I got at least half a stack on my lot I think I might be getitng someone tonight to do it.
  5. I will donate 50 obsidion or more next time I get on!
  6. alitght i mined it all out, let me know when you are on
  7. :D I like donating to projects.
    When i get back ill get u 5 diamonds 5 stack obsi and 1000r
    :D in 4 hours ill be on computer
  8. Umm... I was in school when you posted that, sorry XD
  9. Im outside again. I dont know when i will be back. (depend on mom. lol)
    Maybe you could set a chest with my access. I'll put that in when I get back :)
  10. Twin i sent 500 rups
  11. Thanks. I'll buy a buncha obsidian with that. The castle is my main priority now that I have some other jobs done XD
  12. I'll sell you obsidian, But i wont just give it for free. Diamonds are extremely expensive now, obsidian is a pain to mine, and rupees, Meh ill throw u 500r
  13. Well then! I'll be buying 1000r worth of obsidian soon! Thanks you guys. Diamond donator status awarded to Terr!
  14. Geez, I was going to bed when you posted that! XD
  15. Lol. I should just put access chest on my res for u.
    Or u put access chest for me there? Either way. :)
  16. I'd prefer if you put a chest on your res with the stuff in it. Thanks.
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  17. I'll buy 500r worth of obsidian, and you don't have to donate anything. Or just give me another 500r worth of obsidian for free XD
    (I would normally sell obsidian for 5r per block in my shop, what's your price?)
  18. I put up chest with ur access :) with donation in it
    4342 smp2
  19. I lost a few thousand rupees from putting up sell signs along with my buy signs, Jeez, I know people need money, but when they come just to sell 26 Sheep eggs, or 4 Jungle Saplings, and i lose THOUSANDS, its like, do we really NEED the sell feature, cause people take advantage of it. So no, i can't donate, sorry