Donate Redwool to cover the night!! re: smp6

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Plugineer, Apr 20, 2012.

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  1. Hi there, im pablo. Im sure most of you have seen the video Kony 2012. Well on smp6 We are in great need of donations of approximently 3600 red wool! now im sure your wondering What is he doing? well i am taking the time to make a full 60x60 Kony 2012 Logo out of the wool then i will be taking snap shots of the image on the server and livemap. i will then send the images to invisible children
    (creators of kony 2012). i will also upload a video showing how the empire is helping to support the arrest of Kony and what we can do.

    So come to and type /v mimi66 and donate your red wool to support Kony 2012 foundation and Demonstrate what the empire can do.

    for those that want to donate but dont know what the kony foundation is here is the video:

    i hope after this video you come Join cover the night by donating red wool to the mimi66 residence.

    After the logo is done i will be taking a picture of the empires players so come to smp6 when i release the pictures of the product
  2. tclementi1 likes this.
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