If you find you must use a card, you can get a pre-paid card from a store like Walmart which are pretty much anywhere you might want to go.
Hey, I'm not sure if they would accept cash as a form of payment only because a lot of stores are afraid of counterfeit etc on larger purchases like those. I forget where I was but they only accepted credit, I guess its easier to report to the government aswell rather than tallying up each individual cash sale. I'd call ahead to the apple store you plan on visiting and verifying they do infact have the iphone; unlocked and will accept cash.
Unfortunately I do not live on the US. VAT is Valued Added Tax. Is the tax that every product you buy has. I think you guys call it sales tax
I understand that. Go online and start a chat with apple and see if they accept cash, and howmuch it'd be in the store...
The best bet it to go to a Best Buy store. There you can buy an iPhone without the trouble of credit cards. It depends on where you are visiting for the sales tax, which is usually no higher than 6% throughout most of the country. And you will most likely not get the tax back, because taxes. So plan to bring at least $850 USD if you want to buy and iPhone 5s. Good luck with your trip and getting an iPhone.
Iphone 5s cost $99 online at bestbuy, which is obviously cheaper, but you wouldn't need more than $200 if you go to a Best Buy (The $99 is for a 16GB)
I checked Best Buy online but they don't have exactly what I am looking for. Either they have it with contract, or used or the wrong amount of space. I can't find one that fills my needs. I want a 5c. The only difference is the fingerprint thing, I wont pay $100 more just for that. Im planning on spending $600 USD: 550 for the phone, 50 for taxes. If I buy it with credit card I have to pay 35% more That is with a contract, I need it unlocked
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchp...Categories&fs=saas&browsedCategory=&gf=y&cp=3 Here is a URL for a page with the different colors, and memory sizes of the iPhone 5C. Notice that they are unlocked at start at $650.
I see now, that is strange that it is $100 more at Best Buy. Well I hope I helped and you get an iPhone.
How about Amazon? http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_n...ocked iphone 5c&rh=i:aps,k:unlocked iphone 5c
Thanks. I appreciate your help The thing about Amazon is that they don't have stores, you have to buy online