Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by zebrafishcat, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. I wake up, I'm super-sick, it's a long weekend, the servers are down. :'/
  2. Get well soon! Don't rage to bad!
    AlexChance likes this.
  3. All i am having problems with is lag on Smp7 and connection issues :(
    (edit) caused my being down most likely
  4. That would suck.
  5. <3

    Luckily my second account was still signed in overnight, can't say the same for my other two. :/
  6. u rarely see me on smp 7 im on other servers too......
  7. I am still logged in
    i can connect to Smp7 for like 30 seconds and i get the chat and all that but HUGE block lag
  8. I had plans on going beyond crazy tonight on EMC. Guess i'm doing something else. I shouldn't have signed out. But I was starving!
  9. Maybe use the downtime to study, particularly your English.
    Terminator908 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  10. hey thatz not vry nic why u so mean?

    LOL fail spelling for the win!
  11. I feel like this stuff only happens when i am playing on :p
  12. Oh now ya tell me.:eek:
  13. Rude much?
  14. I'm sorry, I didn't realize encouraging someone to learn was considered impolite. I suppose I should have told him to skip school and keep playing games.
  15. Spelling doesn't really hold much ground on a gaming forum though. My own standards would be set higher if it were something other than minecraft. But since it is down we should all fill our brains with knowledge instead of building blocks.
  16. THANK YOU, all of u that just stopped this grammar nazi (dont take that too literaly its just a figure of speech) from destroying my rant. :p
  17. I feel sorry for you.
  18. and why is that?
  19. I'll just leave this here:
    4. Thou Shalt Not Be Rude

    Be polite and respectful to others in the game and in the chat, and don’t harass or insult anybody, for any reason. If someone asks you to leave thier lot or to stop doing something that is affecting them in some way, respect them and do as they ask.
  20. You weren't saying this in a positive and encouraging way, but in a condescending way. If you truly meant it then you wouldn't have included the "particularly your English".
    zebrafishcat likes this.