[Discussion] Shops in Wild

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jonions, May 18, 2012.


Shop chests in wild?

Yes, this is a good idea. 22 vote(s) 45.8%
No, it ruins the fun of living in the wild. 7 vote(s) 14.6%
It doesn't affect me. 5 vote(s) 10.4%
It's a good idea, but it needs some tweaking and heavy moderation before it will work. 14 vote(s) 29.2%
  1. Ha zA. thank you

    Yours sincerely
    That weirdo you met on the forums
  2. That is a good idea. But what if sombody came and greifed all the shop?
  3. I have guards watching. so i tell a mod then i take them to 11001's court
  4. I put this in the thread...
    You CAN'T grief the shop because it is exactly like a locked chest, ie. you can't take from it WHATSOEVER, even if you destroy the blocks under it and under the sign, even if you blow it up, even if you set it on fire.
  5. LoL go! secretAznEks!
  6. Thanks?
  7. There is a large problem with shops in the Wild, and it's this:

    To have a shop in the Wild means you will need to advertise your location to people which means you will get griefed.

    Whilst the shop chest itself wouldn't be able to be destroyed, nor the shop signs, everything around it would still be breakable.

    Not a great problem if you simply set up a shop far away from your outpost, but again, you run the risk of divulging your outpost location by people following you, etc.
    roblikescake likes this.
  8. Oh secret, you should have saved this for the EMCake Party to discuss :p
  9. This is a great idea if you have a mine/colony/settlement in the wild with 5 or so players that trust each other.
  10. No offence but bad idea it would cost alot of griefers breaking the chests and stealing whats in it.
  11. Plus living in the wild is bassicly a single player survival and also mobs like enderman will steal blocks from the shop and creepers will blow up the chests, signs and the shop.
  12. Do people not read the thread before posting in it?
  13. -snip-

    yes it would happen but they would then have to make a way to sell more than 2 items from the chest , like 4 items? another thing to do is ( i have seen my locked chests before being blown up by creepers ) you place one shop chest and it places an obsidian or bedrock house around it, the more chests you place the bigger the house. and design whatever you want on the outside , so long as the inside is safe.
  14. The idea powering it is that it would be placed in, say, a wild colony, for convenience, and advertisement wouldn't be completely necessary. Sure, you might say "To all members of Wild Colony X: I am now selling basic items like stone and wood down by the village!" If you have to advertise it to get people to even come near it, then likely it's in a bad location.
  15. If it's for a Colony, then I can see the benefits there but really, are most Colonies that untrusting of each other that they don't have a large, shared stock of items anyway?

    I certainly know that the Colony I'm part of shares everything and the economy aspect doesn't exist.

    As an aside, if you as part of a Wild Colony, separated from Town, want to sell things to your other survivalists, that's a very controversial line to take as you're not selling stuff in Town where no-one cares how you got it, you're selling it to a remote, isolated Wild Colony which means you've taken it from what is essentially that Colonies resource pile by cutting down trees, digging ore, all of which is on the common ground owned and shared by the Colony.

    That's a pretty destructive way for a Colony to exist.
  16. Yes, but many a player I have seen who is just too lazy to walk the 10 blocks tothe treeline and cut for a few minutes. Also, in many communities, there could always be a sense of mistrust, not directed internally, but outside the community, against griefers. In colonies with more than 3 people, lock chests can become cumbersome to sharing resources. Plus, you could always make the shop chests for free so you can put stuff in a chest, and people can take items. This would also benefit the people who just don't have the time to harvest for hours, but are also living in a big community where a lock chest for all is not practical.
  17. At the Last Light outpost on smp7 that kind of thing would be very useful but everyone is kind and they could probably just give it to you for a payment.(or nothing)
  18. I like the idea. Now I know what to do with all that worthless stone and diamond!
  19. We trapped like 287394654789 (Probably like 4, but whatever.) creepers inside a room made of locked workbenches.
    They will NEVER break the sign or locked item.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  20. I personally would like to keep business to town. Maybe having a special donation sign would be better for places like the Last Light Outpost. So you can put a little sign besides your work (or supply chest) which makes it easy for people to donate some rupees. I might open another poll on this idea once I thought it through a bit more.
    I am not speaking for the Last Light Outpost community (we'd have our own vote on that first I guess) but I would like to keep shops to the town. Esp for open communities like ours I fear the shop spamming and scamming more than griefers.
    Curundu likes this.