Another idea I was thinking of, would be when you're on the quiz part of the website, it somehow mutes you ingame, so you are unable to see chat.. and you can't type in chat. Just like the tutorial, haha. Then, when you close that part of the website, it of course, unmutes you. Then you're unable to access that part of the website again for the day (or it would display a message that says "OOPS! You've already done the quiz today, come back tomorrow!"). ...Of course to make all of this work, I have to have a good talk with JG, ICC, and Aikar.
I assumed that this was in-game, you didn't actually make that clear. But I actually did realize a while after my previous post that (assuming the quiz was in-game) it could emulate the tutorial and turn off the chat. It's a bit of a catch-22; if it's on the website its far easier to use but the in-game chat can be abused, but if it were in-game it would be much harder to use though it would eliminate chat spam. Creating session states on the website linked to in-game triggers sounds like a technical nightmare. Not necessarily impossible, but hardly worth the time and effort in my opinion.
Aikar and I are currently arguing about it being either ingame or on the site. He prefers ingame, where as I would prefer it on the website. If it was ingame, I would prefer it to mimic the tutorial and keep the player from being able to see what others are saying/being able to type, where as tips would then come at you more often.. To start quiz would be /quiz start, to never see quiz advertised, you'd type /quiz off, and to finish your quiz (tip would tell you) you'd type /quiz done... ...It's really confusing, so we're still arguing about it, haha. It's my idea, I have no idea why he has to burst my happy bubble. ;_;