What if the mail system worked out where you could send a friend just a simple text message without having to use a book? This might already be in use and i dont know how to do it so im sorry if thats the case Im like that.
Books are free, you can even send unwritten books so your friend could send the same one back with a different message.
This. You can send unsigned "Book & Quill" items as well, free of charge, so you can continually pass it back & forth.
It is easier to just do "/mail send Ethy2O2 Hi! Oh, and I want to kill you" without the book and the book and quil might be signed so it is now ended.
They are working on cross-server tells I believe, which would work in the exact same way, except with /tell instead of /mail.
Well, you could ask the player to send the book back and not sign it? Adding in messages w/o books is just going to be so limiting. Considering books aren't consumed AND can be mailed back for free, seems reasonable to use it for messaging?