
Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Sopby, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. thats it! decision made! We burn them! those bloody griefers! :mad: raise your pitchforks Men and Ladies! Grab your torches, swords, pickaxes, cake and your intelligence!
  2. GUYS, they can be viewing this right now, they just want us angry for their amusement, we would have to discuss this in like a conversation so they dont get they "joy" of watching us freak out
  3. No freaking out? I am just saying the stuff I said so it is different but without the jokes it is serious.
  4. Where is this place you're talking about?:confused:
  5. At the south out pos. Ive just realies that we're on about completely different things so y'all can calm down (-: It wasnt the oct. But the preinciple still stands.