Destroy the Picture Above You Thread! (Game)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by COUNTtheLLAMAz, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. anti-virus.exe has stopped working lol
  2. Manglex likes this.
  3. save.png

    The words are in the thing . . .

    " This lock-down prevents any virises to die and to completely extinguish "

  4. Placebo effect my friend people only think they're ill
  5. So this is for my photo? Its not valid! Try again!!
  6. not yours golfer's i wasn't quick enough to post it
  7. Well Played.jpg

  8. Its Mitt Romney Terrifing a baby LOL!
  9. The picture wont work
  10. we know we know
  11. Even if I cant see the picture this will totally win, babies fight back.
  12. This should stop your bombs:

    And then to finish you off:
    Bob_9251 and killinkinglb like this.