[Denied] Modify Admin Flag by removing powers

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Tuqueque, Dec 13, 2016.



+1 3 vote(s) 75.0%
+0 0 vote(s) 0.0%
+(-1) 1 vote(s) 25.0%
  1. My idea is to be able to modify admin flag per player.

    Basically you will be able to do /res pset Player admin true and then /res pset Player flag true so the flag will override the admin flag(except for move and (named)tp flag).

    This will broaden the possibilities in many areas(in my opinion)

    What do you think?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. What is the end result of this change? To allow someone to be flagged as an Admin for your res and then take some of their admin rights away or am I misreading your post?

    Expand on how this would 'broaden the possibilities' for simple minded people like myself. :)
  3. Yes to the first Question

    You have a friend that you want to be able to see your named tps, but only admin can do that, so you give them admin, but remove their building flag.

    Maybe you have an alt and a very precius 1.7 villager. you dont want to risk it from dying for a misclick, you giv your alt admin, but you take out kill flag permission

    Many other situations that can happen here.

    Maybe you own an organization, and your friend, which owns it with you, wants to participate in an event, so... you take out the unfair flags, while making her admin
    UltiPig likes this.
  4. Simply dont give them the flag and set the flags you want them to have true.
  5. There are over 40 flags... I preffer All-2 flags than 38 individual flags
  6. So this suggestion is more of an ease of use to be more efficient when assigning flags moreso than needing new flags added.

    Have you tried to give someone Admin and then pset them specific flags as false? Would that work? :p

    My understanding of the Admin flag itself was that it was added so you could give an alt (or a very very very trusted friend) access to your res so they could do almost all actions within it.

    I am all for user flexibility. The flag system in it's current state, IMO, is awesome and far superior to other systems I've seen. Not that I have any say in it, but adding some flexibility would be nice.
  7. I feel your pain here but I find the flag permission GUI to be much quicker and easier. This way all you have to do is click on/off/default for each one.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. This is what im suggesting -_- ... It doesn't work currently cause admin flag overrides the other flags, and... I want it to work.

    I don't really care about how long it takes, it is just so is cleaner when you do /res info...
    ThaKloned likes this.
  9. That I can agree with.
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  10. I think what Tuqueque is suggesting is that the Admin flag be treated more like the Build, Container, Use, and Move flags. Each of these have subflags and some of those have sub-subflags, allowing you to enable/disable them as a group then set the exceptions afterwards. Admin could also treat the Build, Container, Use, and Move flag groups as its own subflags, in turn controlling all of their subflags. Currently it is treated as a separate flag that overrides the rest.

    To me it seems more logical to organize them in a hierarchy like this. Rather than setting an Admin flag, using Admin as a parameter to the pset command could instead set all of the lower tier subflags to true or false. I suspect that the way flags are checked currently based on the way they are organized is that the permissions code checks for Admin and only checks the other flags if Admin is false. Those higher permissions that are exclusive to Admin like Residence unclaim and setting player flags could also be made flags. The suggested way would simply check the appropriate flag based on a player's attempted activity.
  11. I'm not sure of the usefulness here. I mean; what's to stop someone from simply changing their permission flags themselves after which they can make their mess anyway?

    I think you're trying to fix something here, but I don't believe limiting the admin flag is a good or useful way to go.

    For example: you mentioned the ability to view namedtp locations. Wouldn't an extra permission flag to make those accessible (readonly) to some players be more useful?
  12. This is something we will not add. It over complicates the system and makes it harder to understand.

    Admin flag is meant to be for someone you trust. If you wish to make it easier to grant people multiple flags in 1 go, simply create a Res Perm Group instead, and add users to it.

    You can make one group thats "almost everything"
    NuclearBobomb, Sgt_Pepper4 and Olaf_C like this.
  13. Im just suggesting something to work how, in my opinion, is the most logical.

    Currently the admin flag, is an easier way to put All flags on( which are basically 40 words in /res info, summarized into 1). Then If I put a specific something to false, it should make that false cause it says Player(+Admin, -Flag), but in reality is only Player(+admin)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. Dang, less than a day Tuq. Oh well! It's the thought that counts! Keep thinking!
    Tuqueque likes this.