(DENIED) Katydid Build AnOutpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by KatydidBuild, Jan 24, 2022.

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  1. locked chest on smp4.

    We are gonna try this again. I explored a little more and cant see signs of anyone else for 1.5 k blocks in each direction.
  2. Apologies, but this claim has been denied. While no huge visually established base appears on map, upon checking the registered outpost list we have, there is a claim within about 750 blocks of where you are attempting to claim by Gawadrolt, and visiting said area, there is indeed a small amount of stuff/their locked chest there. While that player is inactive, it is still a claimed outpost - so unless you want to attempt to message them despite the inactivity in order to gain permission to establish the claim in that spot, you will have to try again/try further out.

    Feel free to bump this with an update or message when and if you try again, and I can update this thread, or you can create a new one. Otherwise, have fun and happy exploring!
  3. Oh.
    That is what I am bumping into... All right. Thanks. That makes sense now.

    Can't wait for there to be some kind of map boundaries for Empires so we can see where someone else is already!

    You can close. I will start in a new area.
    607 likes this.
  4. No problem at all. And sure thing, locked per request :)
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