Dear JustinGuy- Since You Won't Take PM's...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheMeeper, May 4, 2012.

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  1. Thanks for the offer of help :) I agree I have always wanted a different home. The sandstone pyrmaid was actually designed to be the spawn buildings at first, but it was just too much and I decided to go with a more simple design for the spawn buildings. And then I just claimed the pyramid as my home haha.
    Monster_ likes this.
  2. can't go wrong with a pyramid! :p
  3. is that why your house is in the middle of the server not the spawn?
  4. Someday I hope to learn to be more diplomatic.
  5. Diplomacy is over rated.
  6. Unless you could prove it, justin hasn't responded yet, so I would stop countering them. He probably wants to keep it the way it is, why don't you make this on YOUR res?
    Spenser6 likes this.
  7. I went to the rs, lagged out, and saw inside. Retract the offer. Now.
  8. 2012-05-05_18.29.15.png

    So yes- I might look like a fool, but at least a damn good building fool. - MrMeeper

    Is the "damn good building" underground?, because all i see are 4 corner walls and a shop.
    Put your money where your mouth is :)

    PandasEatRamen and Spenser6 like this.
  9. Also thank you JustinGuy for wading through the field of trolls to at least take the time to read my proposal. And if you ever do- you know where I am!
  10. I've removed the inappropriate language and locked this thread. Just because someone feels they're being trolled, that's no excuse to start using foul language.
    Mrsmiley99 and alexschrod like this.
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