UK starts work on new radars to see theses planes not against you but if other countries start the same work UK needs to be ready.
China does not care about the hackers, because what was sent was the first small part, the actual research is not on an online data base or secure.
Spain trains 1000 men to be the best soldiers of the world. They are called space marines. Space Marines are genetically modified superhuman soldiers. Servo armors are not invented yet.
Sorry everyone, school work and all that jazz, I couldn't get on. Italy's spy planes have been built and are we will trade some for something Italy sends ally requests to everyone And finally, Italy requests a program of Hackshield from Mexico.
Italy accepts those terms. Italy's list of current allies- UK (Everyone else is still pending) Italy begins to work on a trade ship.
Canada comes back for a bit. Canada states that space can not be colonized at the moment. Canada wishes for a list of any new people, and the page their application is on.
Mexico closes down all operations on Jupiter, bombing every single Mexican colony living on the planet after people have left. They go back to Earth, taking their leaders on the moon with them. Mexico sends a copy of Hackshield to Italy, they also release it to the public in Mexico, as computer hackers can now retrieve IPs and break computers. All other countries must ask for permission to release Hackshield to the public.
UK has made its own software but wont be realeasing it as it wants to stay private, people in UK can receive for free