Is it just me or is some parts of the text in a lower and more blurry quality then others? Besides the quality issues, they look good.
GUYS PLEASE!-Please keep off topic conversation out of this thread!- (Requesting and GFX comments only!) Just finished making my fake desktop wallpaper. Came out rather nice. Would you guys set that one up as your desktop? Updated: Added Cypher GFX Faux Wallpaper.
Not sure I understood this... But usually if anything is blurry it was meant to be that way or couldn't be changed. And thanks much!
Can you make one for me? have like a creeper in there.... and can you add the name Clint in there? EDIT: my signature is big I just made it yesterday.
-Please keep off topic conversation out of this thread!-(Requesting and GFX comments only!) -Please keep off topic conversation out of this thread!-(Requesting and GFX comments only!) Delete your posts. They have NOTHING to do with this thread. Some form of negotiated trade will be made via PM. Because these aren't easy to make, do not expect anything free or even cheap- unless you inspire me.Some form of negotiated trade will be made via PM. Because these aren't easy to make, do not expect anything free or even cheap- unless you inspire me. Creeper, read the whole OP. EDIT: Much appreciation to you guys for removing them.
yeah I was going to pay you anyways lol is there any item you want? I can give you a fortune 3 pickaxe for free if you make me one that or some rupees
Updated: Added Japanese Mint Sig. Just finished making my new sig; Japanese Mint. Still has my saying in japanese like the old one, but has that C4 3D twist and my new signature that you'll see on my work now... somewhere.
Updated: Added EMC Wallpaper. Just got got done with my Wallpaper for EMC. Never actually knew there was a contest. But here is my submission. Would be better, but I needed to rush it kinda... Yes, I made this my wallpaper.