Count as high as possible, Until a staff member posts!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by triphora, Oct 4, 2017.

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  1. wouldnt it be 11? who put 8 twice?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  2. 12

    Yes, it would be. FenrisTheWulf posted an 8 after The_Mancub did, then The_Mancub posted a 9.
  3. I'm so lost. why are you restarting? no staff posted...

    Edit: 13
  4. Edited. I confused it with the "supporter" sequel to this thread.

    Edit: 14
  5. So is it 14 or 15 now? >.< so much confusion!
  6. 16

    I've set it back on count.
  7. I was on mobile and it didn't update for me, derp.
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