Copy/customize Mini-bosses and enraged

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by stormboy231, May 22, 2014.

  1. Yes still need testers, myself and batman are putting in hard work to see how this will turn out, momentus doing great other then his drawn which seems to work then stops
  2. How will I test for you? Is there an IP I should know?
  3. Ip will be send in pm tomorrow to all to test, myself and fat had an fun time testing it out :) video should be on my channel by tonight.
  4. xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and stormboy231 like this.
  5. Video is up on my channel, sorry about my crapy sound, I guess i need to edit my new computer settings
  6. Can I test too? Sorry for the late reply...
  7. server i made it for test hasnt lived up till this day but i do have all the files backed up, just been making my own mini games in the mean time...ill till be needing testers just WAY later :p
    for more info pm me!