
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MistroMouse22, Oct 2, 2012.

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  1. 11 please.
  2. Only 2 spots left folks! Just comment the number you want for a chance to win 115k !!!
    mba2012 likes this.
  3. 0 Spots left
  4. 4 if not taken
  5. may i have number 13?
  6. good luck to all participants!
  7. I am broke and I really need the money :p

    So number 13 please

    Edit: looks like I was too late, good luck to the contestants.
  8. CONGRATULATIONS SunnyDayz100!!! You have won the 115k!!!
  9. Any number please
  10. It is over!
  11. What!? O__O I won!?


    Oh my lord... Thank you! ;w;
  12. 17 plz.
    JK. :)
    Congratz sunny!
  13. darn it :mad: i am too late
  14. Since some people don't understand that this contest is over. I am closing it, and wishing the best to MistroMouse22
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