Hello Empire, Today I am holding a contest for a name for a new youtube I will be setting up. You can suggest any names but the content will mainly be minecraft but with a variety of other games such as gmod, L4D2 and possibly Simcity. Please don't suggest any silly trolling names. I have had the experience of having a youtube channel before for a xbox clan but it didn't go so well so I thought I would start afresh. I am waiting on a new computer my dad's friend is building however it will take a couple of weeks for parts to come and for him to build it. Edit- With Bigdavies permission I will also be recording Monday Nights Mob Arena on EMC. The Prize for having the best name (Chosen by me) is 2000r (Note: You Can Include the name 'Jake' but not 'bagby' for personal reasons) If you don't have a idea for a name then you can say one you like better out of the names suggested Suggested Names JakePlaysMinecraft- Mindlegokid JakeEMC- Mindlegokid JakeMinecraft- Mindlegokid Eorolithplayminecraft- Faeghost JakePlaysGames- BobTheTomato9798 VideoGameJake- BobTheTomato9798 GamerJake- BobTheTomato9798 MinecrafterJake- BobTheTomato9798 JakeTheMinecrafter- BobTheTomato9798 JakeLovesTomatoes- BobTheTomato9798 WelshGamer- BobTheTomato9798 The jakecast- RunningRhino JakeTheWalesGamer- Jakres CraftyJake- RevampedMadness Babybagpipes- Jeanzl Jakelicious- Jeanzl Jakewithcake- Terr Jakewins- Terr Jakeplays- Terr ATLJake- Terr MilkShakeJakeEMC- Wolfthunderblade ShakeAndBakeJake- uglydragon JakeAndEMC- uglydragon CaptainJakeSparrow- uglydragon Jake N Shake- Jeanzl Jakethegreat choongjae Jakelot- Choongjae Jake Plays Show- generalfelino015 BakeACakeJake- Iamsaj TheJakester- dangerousty TheJakeinator- dangerousty JakeKillsCreepers- dangerousty Jakecraft- dangerousty MobSlayer- dangerousty SlimeSmasher- dangerousty TheGameDistrict, TheGameZone, TheGameSector- Revampedmadness NINJAKE- Ninjattila JakesJungle- Ninjattila MobMauler- Ninjattila JakeLP's- Ninjattila YoutubeMCJake- TheEpic5 Jake_Youtube- TheEpic5 JakeYoutube- TheEpic5 Jaketube- TheEpic5 MilkShakeJake or Jake-n-Bacon or Makin'BaconJake or JakeTheCheeseCakeSnake or just JakeTheCheeseCake or CheeseCakeJake or CraftACakeJake or SnowFlakeJake or JakeTheSnowFlakeSnake or FakeOutJake or JakeTheGreatCake or just JakeTheCake or JakeTheSnake or JumpInALakeJake or JakeForGodSake or ALakeOfJake or TakeAJake or Take2Jake or TakeTwoJake or Jake'sCake or Jake'sSnake or JumpingJellyfishJake (partly from SpongeBob) XD or, lastly, JigglyJake JakeTheGamer -nfell2009 (DISCLAIMER: He hasn't returned, this was over skype)
Guys there are too many good one's I'm finding it hard to choose, there maybe a vote to see which people think is the best.