[CONTEST] Make a Piece of Art!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Runningrhino, Dec 3, 2018.

  1. I wrote 3 more poems yesterday! I'm pretty proud of them. I created my own type of poem. It's called a "Haiku-grouped Poem". I created it where it has haiku as stanzas and, since Haiku consist of 5 syllables on first line/7 on second line/5 on the last line, I thought I would create a new type called the "Haiku-grouped" poem type. You can have as many haiku/as many stanzas as you want. That's what the "Rain" one, up there, is. A haiku-grouped type poem! Also, are we allowed to enter as many types as we want?
    ItsDicey likes this.
  2. You can do whatever you want! The whole idea is for people to share their creativity!
  3. Isn't today the last day, right?

  4. Mountains are fun to draw :) Thanks for hosting!
    Runningrhino likes this.
  5. Man....my image posting isn't working!
  6. I made another speech about Rain....
    I'll use this:


    I wish I was the rain. So I could touch people’s skin...and feel what they feel. I would feel their fever of pain. Pain or happiness would be pouring into my half full, half empty glass of water. The rain...and its gentle touch on my face. It’s refreshing. It’s...beautiful. What makes the rain so gentle? Is it the soothing sound of it’s voice that taps on a nearby window. Or..is it the cool moist air left behind that makes you drowsy.

    Either way, nearly everything about rain is happiness. Rain make flowers grow. Rain makes children laugh. Rain makes a rainbow that is shared with light. I wish I was the rain. The soothing sound of its voice calls for one to play. One would play in the shining puddles. One puddle splash would be a sprinkler of fun for children’s play. Rain. It’s the essence of growth and happiness.

    I wish I was the rain. The soothing touch as it falls on top of my face. It feels what I feel. The pain. The sadness and depression. My happiness and pride. We need rain. We need its soothing voice and touch in our life. It hides and fades away most of our darkness as we are put asleep. Many call rain a nuisance, but in my clear mind, it’s a benefit. A benefit to almost everything. It’s a benefit to plants. They need water for food. To humans, it’s an energy drink. A fresh drink of water keeps us from dehydration. Rain has no malevolence. It has the benevolence that everyone needs.

    I wish I was the rain. As it touches my own skin and feels what I feel. The pain. My sadness and depression. My happiness and pride. I need rain. I need its soothing sound and voice that calls me to good dreams. I call rain a benefit that brings me fun. As a child, I am always seeking enjoyment and fun. Rain is the fun I’m always seeking. I love how it falls on my face and feels what I feel. The fever of pain inside my forehead and heart. The veins in my body, cooled by the rain.

    ItsDicey likes this.
  7. The photo is pretty bad, but I made a thing out of glass a while back

    (Here's the reference photo)
    MoreMoople and Runningrhino like this.
  8. Well even though I only got a few entries I really enjoyed seeing what everyone made. It is clear that all of you are very created and talented. Now lets get to the results!

    The winner is Orthoceritidae, they win an iron voucher and 25k (I particularly liked the Rain poem, thought it was awesome!)
    And tying for second place is both Rhysicles and MoreMoople who will both recieve 25k

    Thank you all for entering!
    Everyone has been paid and the voucher has been sent as well as your special prize personalized for each of you.

    Thanks again and stay creative!
    Rhycicles and MoreMoople like this.
  9. Thanks so much! GG! :D
    I really appreciate it!
    MoreMoople likes this.