[Closed] High_Jacker's Alt Accusasion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by High_Jacker, Aug 14, 2014.

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  1. Hey thanks - that really means a lot! We wouldn't go to so much trouble if it was false
    PlayTehMinecraft likes this.
  2. Hey, what's so bad about some people thinking you're the same person?
    jkjkjk182 and deathconn like this.
  3. It's just generally frustrating like we aren't so we just wanted people to stop saying it
    Also recently someone ( I won't name who) *cough* gwaposoldier *cough* was all like
    In chat to High_Jacker "Just cause your alt huckleberry isn't here"

    We just wanted people to realise this so they can stop saying it
  4. On My Page I Meant To Put 'Sodapop767' But Would Have Put huckleberry24 By Accident. We Skyoe So When We Were Talking I May Have Got A Little Confused. If Anyones Seen My Alt On You Would Have Seen How I Talked.

  5. Huckleberry24 Is Like 6 Hours Older-He Found The Server And I Joined A While Later.
  6. Love That Editing Btw :3 I Was Fooled Why It Said That, But Then There Is Such A Thing As Photoshop Lawl
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  7. Let's not make this thread hostile :(

    sambish20 likes this.
  8. It Seems As Though People Don't Trust Me, And Think Im A Lier-That's Why Its Turning Into A Big Argument. We Are Cousins, Yes WE ARE ALIKE, But We Are NOT The Same Person.

  9. Sodapop767 is shorter than huckleberry24, so not photoshop here most likely ;)
    But anyway, I trust you when you say you are different persons.
  10. Look On My Profile ;) There Is Nothing From (Empire Minecraft Specifically!). So I Get Accused Of Lying, When Really jkjkjk42 Was Lying In That Situation :/ And People Seemed To Believe Them, When This Thread Is To Say WE ARE NOT ALTS OF EACH OTHER

  11. I believe the goal of the thread has been established now, locking thread :)
    jkjkjk182, deathconn, 607 and 3 others like this.
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