[CLOSED] Cave Dwellers & Miners Kit

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Merek_Shadower, Jan 22, 2022.

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  1. At 4:24pm EMC TIME today, will I be announcing Dreacon78 as the winner?
  2. You have won! I can set up access signs after payment or I can deliver, up to you. If you happen to see me in game, shoot me a PM and we'll go from there as well.
  3. Payment sent.
    I set up two chests at /v 5138 for you to offload if that works. Let me know if you need more room.
    Really long day at work today.
  4. You put the signs on the side, not top. I can't open the chests. Must've been a long day lol. I have access set up in my auction room for you to come get. 24 shulkers. I'll be busy as well so this is just the fastest way for you to get your winnings. When you pick them up please report this auction closed, Thanks!

    SMP2 /v +Merek Just inside turn right and take the auction telepad.
  5. Ya it was a pretty long day yesterday. Thanks for setting up the chests. Picked it up and will report auction as complete.
    Merek_Shadower and JohnKid like this.
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