[CLOSED] [AUCTION] Unused Pot of Gold

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by 607, May 3, 2019.

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  1. 42.5k
    I wondering if I'll be making my highest bid yet for one of your pots of gold?!
    607 likes this.
  2. Nah, 50k
    IronicSwordPlay and 607 like this.
  3. You have won! Would you like to pick up on smp7 or smp8, on your own residence, or by mail?
  4. Feil is banned. So the auction goes to the second to last bidder which is ironic sword play
  5. Huh, that is interesting. :confused: Especially as without Feil's participation, the bid might still have been at 15k...
    So now this is the winning bid?
  6. Basically
  7. So I won then? Is this the rule that if the winner is banned the next highest bidder wins???
    RampageX10 likes this.
  8. You'd have to find it in the offical rules post on the top of the auctions but this is how everyone treats it. so go with it
  9. It's not actually in there. I'll report the OP (of this thread).
  10. Based upon consultation with the auctioneer, I am discarding all of the bids placed by the banned player.

    Congratulations, IronicSwordPlay, you have won with a bid of 35k.
    IronicSwordPlay and 607 like this.
  11. Thank you jaqque for the claifiaction.
    I've sent payment.
    jaqque likes this.
  12. Mailed it!
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