[CLOSED AUCTION] 50 Double Chests of Cobblestone!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TomvanWijnen, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. Not a problem, I am not in any hurry for them, won't need them for a few weeks still, probably. The chests are setup and ready for you though, at /v +drop on SMP7 Also, I have paid you already, so whenever you have a free moment go ahead and drop them off. ;)

    (Studying comes first though! Irl stuff is more important than me getting my cobble. I won't need it for a little while anyways, so if you would prefer to wait until after your testing is done, then that is fine with me. Good luck!)
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  2. Payment recieved, thanks! :)

    Thanks! I'm actually already studying for next week, and this testweek it's one test less; that one that always takes the longest. :D I'll see when I have time to drop the cobble off, but I hope and expect it to be somewhere this Friday/weekend. :)
    JDHallows likes this.
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