[closed] 2 DC Quartz Blocks

Discussion in 'Reverse Auction Archive' started by Extendingskys, Mar 22, 2019.

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  1. Sup
    I'm making something big and I underestimated how much quartz I need :p
    Item: TWO double chests of quartz BLOCKS
    Starting Bid: 300k
    Minimum Bid Decrease: 5k
    Auction Ending Time: 24 hours after last valid bid.
    Expected Delivery Time: 24 hours after the end of the auction(48 hours after last valid bid)

  2. I think your asking for to little :3
  3. Am I? I remember straight buying a DC for 150k in the past so I figured that was a good starting price.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  4. Yeah I just checked various mall prices and past auctions, I think 150k a DC is a reasonable price.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  5. Yea sry idk what the heck I read xD
  6. bumparino and friendly reminder that re:zero season 2 was announced this morning
  7. Lomax has won! Chests for putting the items are on /v extendingskys, and the payment is sent.
    Lomax70 likes this.
  8. Your Quartz has been delivered. Thank you for hosting this reverse auction. Enjoy :)
    Extendingskys likes this.
  9. Thank you for making this the fastest RA ever because I really wanted the quartz as fast as I could lol. Saved me some $$$ and ⏰⏰⏰
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