[closed] 2 DC of Cherry Logs

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by 99marvel, Aug 2, 2023.

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  1. Items: 2 Double Chests of Cherry Logs
    Starting bid: 1,000r
    Minimum bid increase: 100r
    Auction ends: 48 hours after last valid bid

    Happy Bidding!
    Silken_thread and StgbtL like this.
  2. 30k
  3. 35k
    outbid if dumb
  4. You know, if I was bidding I think this would greatly increase my chances of outbidding you just because you can't tell me what to do 😂
  5. Thats not the point :mad:
  6. Im pretty sure its been 48 hours, so ill pay once you put up an access sign
  7. Mailed :) Please send payment. Thanks!
  8. When I get home ill pay
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