{closed} 1dc of quartz pillar,1sc of emerald and lapis and more

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by aletrisrex, Feb 6, 2022.

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  1. Item: 1dc of quartz pillar
    1sc of emerald and lapis
    576 amthyest shard (item)
    2880 iron ingot (item)
    Starting bid: 3k
    Minium Bid incriment: 2k
    Auction ending time: 48hrs since last valid bid

    Varua likes this.
  2. 13k* oops
  3. 29k
    sorry about last bid
  4. 75k :)
    Sharpie42 and W1therRex like this.
  5. 130k
    W1therRex and weeh like this.
  6. you won! just waiting you pay
  7. and then i will setup access chests
  8. picked up thank you
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