[Closed] 12 DC's of Sandstone!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Mallosaurus, Feb 10, 2014.

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  1. QuarterStop likes this.
  2. Sorry for the late reply guys, I've been waiting on this auction to end for so long I didn't realize people stopped bidding. xD 72volt, congratulations, you win the auction! Come to smp1, res 914, and the chests will be right in front of you. If I'm on when you come to pick up, I will be glad to help you take it back to your res.
  3. Noted, paying now!
  4. Would you mind helping me shift the sandstone to the chests at the back of 6015? You have container flag, Artemis :)
  5. Actually, don't, I got it all moved :p
  6. Oh. :eek: Sorry about that. I had to go run errands today.
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