Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Storminess, Jul 13, 2021.

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  1. Item: 10 double chests of iron blocks

    Minimum Starting Bid: 1,000r

    Minimum Bid Increment: 100r

    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after last valid bid.
    Info: Chests are available for preview at /v 6060
    Thank you and enjoy!
    Nickblockmaster and EfficiencyV like this.
  2. 50k
    bryanm61 likes this.
  3. Last valid bid was 30k, and I will bid 100k
  4. I know it takes a moment to add, but please make sure you're adding the ending "K" at the end of the numbers (so 120k, 150k), or typing out the full 120,000 or 150,000 for your bids! Even if context clues assume 120k and 150k without the k addeed, it could still bring up an issue if a player were to bid and thought it was only 120 rupees or 150 rupees, and tried to bid, only to find out bids were in the thousands, to which they couldn't afford that much... Not to mention without the context clues/not knowing for sure and whoever bid that way, these bids could potentially be deemed invalid due to other players using "K" thus making their bids appear higher. I'm going to go ahead and correct ya'lls current posts to add the k to the bids, but for future bids, please make sure you include it or type out the full bid number for clarity. Thanks!
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