[closed] 1 DC of Cooked Steaks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by bralukwie, Apr 17, 2023.

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  1. 1 Double Chest of FULLY cooked all beeeeeef steaks!
    Pickup/Preview on SMP3 /v bralukwie
    Starting Bidaroonie is 500r
    minimum Bid is 50r
    Last valid bid 48 hours after last valid bid
    FadedMartian, UltiPig and KatyBuild like this.
  2. 3000r
    bralukwie likes this.
  3. 6k
    bralukwie likes this.
  4. 13.5k
    bralukwie likes this.
  5. 21k
    No cows were harmed right?
    bralukwie likes this.
  6. 30k
    i hope not
    bralukwie likes this.
  7. 31k
    they should really add disclaimers for stuff like this.
    FadedMartian and bralukwie like this.
  8. they really should, it would make me feel more comfortable with this purchase :p
    bralukwie likes this.
  9. I know, seriously. The cow community needs to be protected from steakafacation. also 41k
    bralukwie likes this.
  10. 50k we must protect the cows with all our effort
    bralukwie likes this.
  11. 55k oh i fully agree
  12. 60k
    If you come across a cow with no legs, consider it some real ground beef.
  13. 65k as a supporter of the cow community, i find this very offensive, you have been reported to staff, and you will be canceled off the server and forums.
    bralukwie likes this.
  14. 70k I am also a major supporter of the cow community and all its members and will not have this slaughter, we have no... beef... between us

    yes... i just did that :)
    FadedMartian and bralukwie like this.
  15. I report MYSELF on the regular. I fear not your threats.
    Trwe likes this.
  16. you missed 69k…

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