Chuck Norris

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by smile3, Apr 22, 2012.

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  1. I thought Chuck was missing even though I to young to know who he was that well? :(
  2. Oh, if only the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' Button was still around...
  3. chuck norris doesnt command he thinks.
  4. Dark Matter hides from the world because Chuck Norris told it too
    HylianNinja likes this.
  5. No, he was using his USAS 12 Frag XD <- like so
    Dwight5273 and Yukon1200 like this.
  6. That guy even has ''The Chuck'' XD (his Chuck norris beard)
  7. I love you.
  8. i have a whole book of chuck norris jokes

    the original title for alien vs predator was alien vs predator vs chuck norris but it was cut because the film only lasted 12 minutes
  9. in a fight between btman and darth vader chuck norris would win
  10. You can edit your posts. Just letting you know.
  11. Last time Chuck Norris made Homemade Firecracker he called it "The Big Bang"
    HylianNinja likes this.
  12. When chuck norris wants an egg, he cracks open a chicken
    safe6801 and HylianNinja like this.
  13. Chuck norris counted to infinity, twice.
    safe6801 likes this.
  14. So did u ... sorta...
    safe6801 likes this.
  15. Every night the boogy man checks in his closet for chuck norris
    safe6801 likes this.
  16. Chuck norris plays pool with the planets
    safe6801 likes this.
  17. edit your posts! jeez....
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. I knew this was gonna happen:)
    safe6801 likes this.
  19. so why didnt u????
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