So my grandparents texted me about an hour ago "What do you want for christmas? NO VIDEO GAMES!!". So I've been looking through all these websites, but I just can't find anything good! (Accept for video games, of course). A bit ironic I know, but the world has just evolved, follow? Anyways, I'm looking to you guys for help.. Heres the basic guide lines: I live in soCal Around $50 Im 13 ~bucky291
A nice $50 dollar pair of headphones or Ask for something from like they have really awesome stuff Like a 10 pound gummy bear and other stuff... they also have a youtube channel so you can check out their stuff...
Come on Guys, u live in usa, where all is cheap. With 50 dollars u can buy a lot of things. In the usa the regular price for an iPod is 170-200 dollars, here in argentina there is no less than 350!!!! U keep the money Also!!
Ask for money then buy a video game? If not and if it were me i would ask for...a gift card to hot topic so i can buy more Minecraft or zelda themed shirts haha
I believe you mean a Red Ryder carbine-action, 200-shot, range model air rifle... with a compass in the stock. Though, beebee guns probably aren't so good of an idea in SoCal. You'd probably shoot your eye out. How about a nice football?