- Redacted - Want a simple, clean signature?Want it cheap?Want it to advertise your YouTube or Twitter?You've found the place! I make these signatures for free in my free time, so just tell me if you want one using this format. Top Text:Bottom Text:Color:YouTube/Twitter Name [Can be both]: And that's it! I can get it done within a day, and all it costs is 500-1000 rupees, your choice Donations are accepted and welcomed! Get asking!
Mistake, I was originally doing them free, but last server I did that on I was overwhelmed with requests and had to stop. Wasn't these sigs, just another graphic I made
Top text: Tuqueque Bottom text: visit /v +++ for future mall on sm8 Color green(as my face) for "tuqueque" and EMC yellow for bottom line If you can ill be really happy to help me with this. Tell me if you are available to this, if not thanks for trying
are you able to do custom sizes? EDIT: If so, I'd like a signature and I'll pay 3k for it. I'd like it to be 790x116 (790 pixels wide and 116 pixels tall)
I can, yes. https://i.imgur.com/ITTvBkn.jpg Tell me if you want anything changed! I can probably change the size to fit, so probably.
okay then here's my order the top line should say Ultimamaxx (the diamond supporter color) and the bottom line should say "ulti inc. company owner" thanks!