Cant connect to

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by cheviot5, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. I managed to log on :) I am on the server now!
  2. works for me now
  3. I fell ya guys... I have finally gotten my client to login but I can't get on any servers....
  4. It happen again !! :( :mad:
  5. Minecraft has crashed today many people are feeling this problem...I am insured the people at Mojang are working hard to fix this.:)
  6. I was in my grinder and the mobs are glitching. then it crash. i log on again and got swarmed by mis-placed mobs
    died.... :( :mad:
  7. The problem with Mojang is that they're servers is in the same place! Their authentication system, their website, and probably other things associated with Mojang is in one server. So in such cases a group of people would DDoS their website the entire Minecraft internet society will collapse. I hope they get different machines for each different tasks.
    nmanley and nnnnmc1 like this.
  8. We should subscribe to be Mojang supporter too :)
  9. Mine was doing that an hour or so ago. Persistence prevailed though, and I got in rather quickly :)
    ISMOOCH likes this.