Can admins/mods look at this please?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Nefian, Jun 24, 2012.


Have you experienced this before?

Poll closed Jun 24, 2012.
No 11 vote(s) 78.6%
Yup 3 vote(s) 21.4%
  1. The reason why people think this is : your new... Extremely new... you don't know everything yet :\ people are trying to help you learn.. From the past 2 days of your posts/ threads they seem to be over things that are not very umm how do I say this, dumb? Not sure if that was the best wording ever but ehh.. It'll do..

    It's great that you have taken interest in the forums! But, some people like their grammer and don't like wasting time reading extra posts that can be edited into one or a subject about complete nonsense OR if you posted a thread in the wrong section, whatever it might be... Just remember, be the best you can be ;) It's what my mum always told me :p
  2. Well, that could work, if I can get another e-mail. I am still 14 so my mom still bosses me around.
  3. okay.lmme just get something straight here. I am new to the site, but not to EMC. I played this server for 212 days now.
  4. I'm 14 too...
    If it really is a problem, I can sort you out on EMC Wiki one if that would help? :)

    And can someone /p him please? I can't from a phone and I want do hear if that join date is true.
  5. Nice colour, Stands out really well in highlight.

    Anyhow, You do know going around insulting and trolling is highly frowned upon and I think is against the rules right?
  6. Uhhhhhm, does that mean my cousin can join the site?
  7. How did I troll or insult u josh?
  8. i don't think he meant you just insult him he likely meant how you are rude and troll other players
  9. sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  10. Well, okay. I am very sorry about supposively trolling on thAt herobrine thread.
  11. Oh by the way I am making a new thread about this problem because everyone is just saying stuff off topic. Grrrrrrrrrr....
  12. People have told you, You need a new email.
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  13. So spamming up the forums even more?
    Herbrin3, Manglex and sqiggleyjeff like this.
  14. 212? you have to register on the site to get on a server, and it says you joined on the 6th of jun...
    also it isnt hard to make an email account. google, or gmail, has a great, free easy to use email system that is easy to sign up for. like they said, that should solve it. no need to get angry or spam up the forums, that can lead to a bad time with the mods. they dont take kindly to spammers.
    seen plenty of them go the way of the griefer. banned.
    Monster_ likes this.
  15. /P say's 212 days.
  16. Must have joined before the site sign up requirement.
  17. I must have missed that one by 44 days..
    JackBiggin likes this.
  18. haha he makes excuses for EVERYTHING. Dude understand this, your not perfect. People make mistakes, now take whenever someone corrects you or something LIKE A MAN. ( or like a pig :p )

    That is all.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  19. the sign up requirement was set before i even joined back in NOVEMBER! this seems... odd... very odd indeed...
  20. The best thing to do here is:
    1. Get your friend to make their own gmail/hotmail/etc email account.
    2. Join up here with new email address.
    3. [Optional] Get your friend to also log into to change their registered email address there too.

    JPSeabury has been an active member of EMC for about 7 months, back then website registration wasn't necessary to play on EMC servers, which is why they seem like a new member. New to forums, but an EMC veteran. :)
    SecretAznEks and imBobertRobert like this.