Calling All Anime Fans, We Need Your Help!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by DorianPavus_, Aug 10, 2017.


Did you share and/or took the poll?

I did neither 8 vote(s) 61.5%
I both shared this poll and took the poll! 1 vote(s) 7.7%
I shared this poll but didnt take it. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I took this poll but didnt share it. 4 vote(s) 30.8%
  1. Hello Everyone!

    Are you an anime fan? If so then we(the anime community) need your assistance! You might of heard of the Youtuber The Anime Man(Joey) and if so he recently uploaded a new video which you can see HERE(warning there are a few curse words in the video/PG-13). Japan recently came out with a Top 100 Anime List in all of Japan so now Joey is trying to make a Top 100 Anime Official List in the whole world (including Japan? idk xD) but we need your help! Joey has created a poll where you can list 5 anime's you think deserve to be up on that list. In a month or so his friends will take the poll results and create the list of the Top 100 Anime and he wont see the results until he records the video so he can be just as surprised as the rest of us! But to make this all happen we need you to take that poll and share it across social media/websites and throughout your friends and family!

    To Take the Poll Here is The Link!

    Now Get Sharing~
    jossytheninja and ShelLuser like this.
  2. My only gripe with this is that they require a Google account to fill out the form, that's bound to limit the polls results a bit.
    _Levy_McGarden_ likes this.
  3. I honestly never thought about that! Good eyes lol and yeah that probably will 'damage' this project a tiny bit but I think it will turn out fine :3